Posted by Q on 2014/5/22 0:08:00 (5427 reads)

Today is the Tenth Anniversary since we launched!

Its amazing how fast the time has passed and really doesn't seem like it has been 10 years! Over the decade, we have witnessed and were a part of so much of Hikki's career. But also, the community and friendships that have formed here, has been an amazing thing to witness. It has been heart warming to see UN was a platform where people met, would help each other out, and where lasting friendships have formed.

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Posted by Q on 2006/1/9 2:17:59 (1877 reads)

UtadaNet has just under gone some system upgrades, most of which is barely noticeable, but the most notable update is that of the Forums. If you check it out, it should be much different from before and with more features. However, I am not done yet, so more customizations of the site and forums to come...

Posted by Q on 2005/11/25 17:43:19 (1955 reads)

As of this moment, is at 1051 members!
Congratulations to marylou for being our 1000th member!!!

Posted by Q on 2005/6/6 20:12:48 (1597 reads)

If you have noticed the little orange button on the side menu... we now offer a News Feed for syndication!
Just copy the link into your favorate aggregator and you are ready to go. You will be able to syndicate the latest news from as well as the press releases and other articles from Yahoo!News and Google News. The feed is being served by so it will offer XML feeds in multiple formats.

If you dont know what RSS News Feeds and syndication are, please take a look at this page, "About Feed Syndication", which will hopefully explain it.

News Feed

Also the Discography & Lyrics section has been updated

Posted by Q on 2005/3/4 23:55:12 (1792 reads) is currently being featured in the 2005/3 issue of "Web Designing" Magazine. It's a Japanese print magazine specializing in the design of online content.
(English version)

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Posted by Q on 2004/10/10 23:22:36 (1593 reads)


Here will be a complete list of ways to promote & request Utada.
A full list of radio stations, TV stations / shows, online shops, etc ...
Please help add to this list, send the info in this format:

City/Location: Website | Request WebPage | Request email | Request phone line

Posted by Q on 2004/9/11 0:01:45 (1765 reads)

As you can see, has a new look.
A new theme layout has been created for the site.
We hope everyone enjoys it!


Posted by Q on 2004/5/22 0:00:00 (2423 reads)

Welcome to the Grand Opening of

After a lot of preparation, we've finally worked long and hard enough to get most of the site up and running for your enjoyment.

Of course, this means that there is still room for improvements and additions so keep an eye out for them in the days ahead as we change and evolve to meet your needs.

Feel free to look around and join our message boards. If you have any questions, feel free to PM or email one of the admins.

Thanks and enjoy your stay!